99.9% of all US businesses are small businesses.
make your
Small Business
With Surge Business Law
Tips to help you do business better
Need help? We’ve got your back.
Did you know
50% of small businesses fail in the first 5 years.* Why?
- Lack of money
- Customers don’t want what their selling
The top challenges small businesses face are:
- Running out of money
- Hiring and retaining talent
- Customer ability to buy
- Customer hesitancy
Do you see the trend?
Money is a big factor in the success or failure of a business!
Need help with money decisions?
What’s the solution?
#1 If you’re running out of money, do this:
Re-evaluate your business plan. If you haven’t made one, do it. Identify your best customers and find more like them. Take control of your expenses and overhead. Keep your eye on key metrics like profitability, cash flow and marketing ROI
#2 If your struggling to hire and retain good talent, do this:
It’s so hard to find people who will show up to work, who business owners can afford, and who can learn and do the job well. To overcome this, you’ve got to offer competitive compensation and strongly consider hiring and growing your own talent. I.e. training workers instead of hiring pre-qualified, skilled employees.
#3 If your customers are unable to afford your products, do this:
Problems that come from the economy outside of your customers’ control affect their ability to buy goods and services from you. For example, when mortgage rates are high, they can’t afford to buy a house, and when credit card debt is racked up, they can’t make impulsive buys. Here’s three things you can do to help the situation:
- Look for financing options for bigger purchases. Break up the cost for them.
- Lower your costs.
- Focus on your consumers’ needs.
- Position your products as ways to meet customers’ needs. Can your products be their “essentials”?
#4 If your customers are hesitant to buy from you, do this:
If the economy or inflation causes cash flow at the community level to become slow, people become discouraged. This leads to their unwillingness to buy from you. They feel poor, and they act poor in their purchasing habits too. So, what to do? Offer high-value, low-cost things to attract customers. Then focus your product positioning on essentials. Ex. Repairing hail damaged roof vs house painting. One is more “essential” to fix than the other.
Team Up with Business Experts
Surge Business Law does one thing: we help growing businesses prepare and achieve success long-term and faster!
Blog resources for Business owners
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Our Big Promise
We will always give you clear and simple pricing. Unlike many law firms, there are no hidden fees or unexpected add-ons when we bill you.
clear & simple pricing examples:
20 min legal advice call
Ask a business attorney for legal advice and business success strategies.
*Member pricing
momentum membership
Get a push towards success with legal and business support – includes unlimited Q&A
• Member discounts for projects
• Legal training and advice
• Monthly check-ins and resources
Send a Demand Letter
If you haven’t been for what you worked for, send an attorney-written demand letter.
*Member pricing
How we help you?
We help you:
- Understand and take control of your legal risks
- Structure and plan for financial success
- Overcome both common and unique business problems
Since we’ve helped over 400 businesses in every field, we will help you get your business functioning faster and better with experienced legal AND business advice.
Who we’ve helped
We’ve helped all kinds of businesses. Here is a small list of examples:
- Construction companies
- Salons
- Software development companies
- Cleaning companies
- Artists
- Food trucks
- Landlords
- Counseling clinics
- Law firms
- Restaurants
- Coaching businesses
About Us
Our Experience, at Your Disposal.
In September, 2021, attorney Matthew Nuzum launched his law firm Iowa Business Lawyer. His past work with small businesses paid off, and the firm grew successfully.
Since then, a team of business and legal experts has developed to give business owners more comprehensive help. We focus on building relationships with members so that we can give better, more tailored advice and services.
Because of our focus on building relationships with business owners, we help businesses grow stronger and faster.
We rebranded in spring of 2024 – now Surge Business Law. The firm has helped many business owners identify potential and existing risks, overcome challenges, and strategize ways to grow success faster.
Our Services
Managing Business Risk
We are a business helping businesses. We understand the problems that keep you awake at night. Hiring a new employee? Adding a partner? Starting something completely new? Handling surprising growth?
Attorney Matthew Nuzum
Small business experience since 2000.
Before law school, Matt built a successful career in the high-tech startup world as an entrepreneur and businessman. He uses his technology background to run a modern law practice helping all kinds of small businesses. He’s ready to help yours!