Learn how to start a business

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Want to start and surge your startup’s success long-term? Check out the videos below. (Here’s a secret: It takes smart financial planning, wise legal structuring, and a strong operating agreement.)

Doing Puzzle

Video Tips for starting a business strong

3 Reasons Startups Fail

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How to Start an LLC

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How to save money when starting a business

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How to Get a Startup Business Loan with no money

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Real-Life Business startup success

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Do I have a business or a hobby?

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How to make a financials-first business plan

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Your startup should be better not cheaper!

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Making your value proposition

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Startup Disaster: Could it have been avoided?

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How to start remotely

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How much should I have saved before starting a business?

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90% of startups FAIL.*

Beat the odds!

*Startup Genome

Doing Puzzle

What is it like to Talk to a Lawyer?

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Let’s talk about starting a strong business! Your 1st call is FREE.
starting a small business

Is starting a small business worth it?

Small businesses are a both popular and an important part of our economy. small businesses make up 99.9% of all US Businesses and employ 45.9% of the US workforce.*

But there’s a big problem:

50% fail in the first 5 years.*

Why do small businesses fail?
  1. They run out of money
  2. The market doesn’t need what they have to offer
  3. Buyers are wary because of the economy


How to start Strong

#1 Plan your Financials first

If you run out of money, your business dies. If you use financial wisdom and smart business organization, your business succeeds. Make a budget, and spend within your budget. Then, second, make a business plan that pays you what you want to make and markets well. If you want to learn more, checkout our FREE Business Starting Guide.

#2 Calculate Overhead costs

You need to know how much it will cost to run your business. To do this, you’ll make a business budget. Your budget should include utilities, rent, products, supplies, and materials, subscriptions and online tools, marketing costs, ect. Keep your business budget’s total low initially. For example, if you’re starting a marketing business, start from home using your own computer, or if you can’t afford one, go to the library. If you’re starting a construction business, rent a backhoe instead of buying one initially. The goal is to work within your budget.

#3 Know How Long It will take for your business to be self-supporting

Before you start your business, you’ll need to know how much to have saved to carry you through until your business can support itself and give you an income. This means forming a personal budget and cutting costs. You’ll need more than you think saved up, so think of what you could do to save. Can you cut the Netflix subscription for a while, or eat at home more? We can help you calculate the time it will take for your business to make self-supporting money. You can also checkout this video.

guy reading

If you’re thinking about starting a construction business…

As many as 1 in 4 construction startups fail in the first year!*

Why? Construction businesses fail early on for many reasons including: economy, material costs, customers who won’t pay, and underpriced bids.

If you’re thinking about starting a construction business, whether plumbing, HVAC, carpentry, or something else, contact us first for advice.

We’ll help you:

  • Structure your business so that customers will pay
  • Get mechanic’s leans
  • Start with all the contracts you need
  • Startup lean and mean
  • Plan for risks
  • Get organized to run smoothly


Construction guy

How we help you?

We help you:

  1. Understand and take control of your legal risks
  2. Structure and plan for financial success
  3. Overcome both common and unique business problems

Since we’ve helped over 400 businesses in every field, we will help you get your business functioning faster and better with experienced legal AND business advice.

Get legal and business advice

If you’re like most startup owners, you want more time with your family, for hobbies, and to get paid using your unique skills and ideas.

We are here to help you achieve your goals. We start by helping forming a business that has strong financial strategy, legal standing, and wise organizational structure and standards. We give you experienced advice. Our work helps you deal with problems in the future fast, run your business long-term, and give you the income you want.

Legal business advice

Who we’ve helped

We’ve helped all kinds of businesses. Here is a small list of examples:

  • Construction companies
  • Salons
  • Software development companies
  • Cleaning companies
  • Artists
  • Food trucks
  • Landlords
  • Counseling clinics
  • Law firms
  • Restaurants
  • Coaching businesses

Our Team helps you